The Lord's Prayer

I want to fully understand and live the Lord's Prayer.

As a student in the Doctor of Ministry program at Kairos University, I am exploring the theological and practical implications and foundations of utilizing the Lord’s Prayer in discipleship, communal contexts, and with those on a spiritual pilgrimage.  You can visit the dedicated page on this website, which serves as a central hub for organizing and presenting my research, resources, and reflections.

The Doctor of Ministry program at Kairos University is a practical and flexible degree designed for ministry leaders seeking to deepen theological reflection and vocational competence while staying rooted in their current contexts. The program emphasizes a mentorship-driven approach, integrating biblical, theological, and cultural disciplines through customized learning experiences and a final project that connects faith and ministry practice.


These are notes (highlights and quotes) from the materials I have read and researched. 

On the Lord's Prayer
Other Related Topics


These are reviews from the materials I have read and researched. 

On the Lord's Prayer

Other Related Topics


These are resources I have developed or utilized in my research and reflections.
  • Seven Intercessory Prayer Prompts for our Guests at Water Street Mission based on the Lord's Prayer.
  • The Rhythm of Prayer A series looking into the transformative experience of prayer, focusing on the Lord’s Prayer to cultivate greater intentionality, intimacy, and illumination, seeking a rejuvenated prayer discipline that sustains spiritual renewal and challenges traditional, duty-bound approaches.
  • A Book Review Template This is the template I will use to review the resources I encounter in my research.


These are commitments and determinations that I am making concerning my studies.

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