Homelessness & Spiritual Health (An Interview)
As Director of Pastoral Ministries at Water Street Mission, it is my responsibility to partner with the Spiritual Care Team to facilitate chapels, teach classes, work with chapel partners, facilitate pastoral care, and provide oversight to our teaching and spiritual care programs. Often, I am simply referred to as the "Campus Pastor," and it is my personal goal to simply be available and present with those who are considering Jesus. I want to help people think differently about Jesus, life, and everything in between. This role is about walking with individuals on their spiritual searches, answering their questions about faith, working with others at spiritual formation, facilitating opportunities for the Holy Spirit to work, and simply introducing our guests to the teachings of Jesus through a conversational approach. The goal of my role is to be available and present with our guests, in the same way that I have previously experienced others being available and present with me in my own journey toward purpose and meaning.
This interview appears on the Restorers Podcast from Water Street Mission. The emerging Restorers Podcast looks at the work, both in audio and video format, of Water Street Mission. Overall, the Restorers Podcast gives listeners a chance to learn about homelessness nationally and in Lancaster County. Each episode investigates the issues around homelessness, and it explores how our organization is working at bringing solutions to our backyard. You can find the Restorers Podcast on Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, Spotify Podcasts, and YouTube.
I was honored to join the Restorers Podcast for Episode 11. My interview with Jack Crowley, the Podcast Host and President of Water Street Mission, follows an interview with Jason Storbakken, who serves in a similar role for The Bowery Mission, in New York City. In Episode 11, the Restorers Podcast looks at the intersection of homelessness and spiritual health. Many have preconceived notions of what chapel and spiritual care may look like at Water Street Mission, and at other organizations like ours, but often the reality is completely different. This episode helps us look at what chapel and spiritual care truly look like in a shelter or ministry for those suffering from homelessness. Really, this episode is about exploring why spiritual care, and specifically a relationship with Christ, is so critical to bringing hope, identity, and healing as someone comes off the street. Also, this interview is an opportunity to learn more about my role and the work I've been committed to.
Water Street Mission is part of a larger network, the CityGate Network, which is a growing network made up of organizations that are also focused on walking with those who are suffering through poverty and homelessness. The 300+ organizations in Citygate Network membership seek to move people in desperate situations and destitute conditions (i.e., hungry, homeless, abused, and addicted) from human suffering to human flourishing through the process of gospel-powered life transformation.
Perhaps we can make Episode 11 the most-watched episode of this season!