Book Review of How to Revive Evangelism by Craig Springer

Photo by Edwin Andrade on Unsplash.
This is a book review of How to Revive Evangelism by Craig Springer. Released through Zondervan Reflective (an imprint of Zondervan) in 2021, How to Revive Evangelism includes a collaboration with the Alpha Course and insights and research from the Barna Group. Craig Springer explores seven vital shifts to show we evangelize our faith.

Overall, How to Revive Evangelism is a short read. It includes stories, research, and exegeting stories from the scriptures. This small book, just shy of 200 pages, features seven main chapters corresponding with the seven vital shifts needed based on the research from the Barna Group. In addition, there is a chapter on the book's front and back end to open and close the chapters on the seven shifts. I also appreciated the Forward from David Kinnaman. Known for his work as an author and the CEO of the Barna Group, David Kinnaman shares that though we long to see “people’s hearts come alive to Jesus,” we realize that “so much stands in the way of this mission.”[1] As a result, this book, like all of Kinnaman’s work at the Barna Group is dedicated to generating “research-based analysis and insights to help Christian leaders gain a clear picture of what’s really happening in hearts and minds.”[2] This book is a commentary and analysis of some of the research from the Barna Group that appeared in the Reviving Evangelism study, which is available on the Barna Assets Website, and points to what is happening in the hearts and minds of our culture and churches within regard to evangelism.

In the Reviving Evangelism Study, Barna Group performed exhaustive research that “compared evangelism experiences and expectations of Christians and non-Christians,” which was similar to the report they did on the current state of evangelism in the United States.[3] This research was combined with a look at the Alpha Course program.[4] This research found some interesting realities within our culture, including the fact that "nearly half of millennial practicing Christians say it is wrong to evangelize (47%). Additionally, "almost 2 in 5 practicing Christians say they have no non-Christian friends or family members (38%).[5] As a result, "more than half report having two or fewer conversations about faith with a non-Christian during the past year (56%).[6] In looking at the research, but also the practices of the Alpha Course, How to Revive Evangelism was released to offer practical analysis on what is working and what needs to change in our evangelistic approaches to living out and sharing our faith. In his analysis of seven essential shifts, Springer (1) examines the questions we need to address in our witness, (2) emphasizes how conversation should inform our approach. He highlights that (3) people seek a sense of belonging, not just a warm welcome, and are (4) looking for an experiential connection with God. Additionally, individuals (5) prefer to see others living a fruitful life of faith rather than simply hearing apologetic arguments. Springer also underscores the importance of a (6) communal approach and the (7) unity found in the diversity of churches.

Analyzing the research, Craig Springer points out that the Alpha Course “is a process and container that allows people, through listening and conversation, through belonging, through building trust, and through time, to strip away every barrier, arriving at a place where they can finally experience God for themselves.”[7] The Barna Group research found that “eighty-two percent of non-Christians who complete an Alpha Course - a small-group based, listening-centered process - develop a relationship with Jesus by the time the course is completed (2016 Barna Group impact study of Alpha participants).”[8] Additionally, the research has found that “seventy-eight percent of lapsed Christians, those who may have attended church as children but are no longer involved in a meaningful way, report dramatically increasing their involvement in their local church community after going through Alpha (2016 Barna impact study of Alpha participants).”[9] The commentary and analysis in How to Revive Evangelism by Craig Springer offers much fodder to the conversation of what is working and what is not working concerning how we share our faith as followers of Jesus.

Craig Keener presents the findings in practical ways, as an experienced author, but also as an authority on the research. Keener has dedicated his life to evangelizing our faith in a post-everything era as the executive director of Alpha USA.[10] Alpha USA runs over 6,500 churches, representing every major denomination, and over 500 prisons in America.[11]

I work full-time for a mission that walks alongside individuals experiencing homelessness. Our residential program guides guests through developing life skills and spiritual formation. As the Director of Pastoral Ministries, I assist our guests in their spiritual journey by offering the Alpha Course and other opportunities. Two years ago, at a one-day Alpha Course event, I discovered the Reviving Evangelism study and purchased Craig’s book to explore new ways to embody, demonstrate, and proclaim my faith and the rule of God's kingdom. I decided to read this book concerning my work at Water Street Mission, and as someone who utilizes the Alpha Course. Though there were a few too many stories for me, however, I appreciated the way the seven shifts were unpacked and explained in practical ways. I will continue to use many takeaways from this book to inform my practice and reshape my posture in my roles.

In conclusion, How to Revive Evangelism by Craig Springer is a relevant and insightful resource for anyone involved in ministry or evangelism. The book's practical guidance, supported by research from the Barna Group and the effective practices of the Alpha Course, makes it an invaluable tool for those interested in modern evangelism. The seven vital shifts outlined by Springer provide a comprehensive framework for reshaping our approach to sharing faith in a way that resonates with our post-everything contemporary culture. I recommend this book to pastors, ministry leaders, and laypeople who are looking to deepen their understanding and practice of evangelism.

Read Highlights & Quotes

[1] Craig Springer, How to Revive Evangelism: 7 Vital Shifts in How We Share Our Faith, Alpha & Barna (Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan Reflective, 2021), vii.

[2] Craig Springer, How to Revive Evangelism: 7 Vital Shifts in How We Share Our Faith, Alpha & Barna (Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan Reflective, 2021), vii.

[3] Craig Springer, How to Revive Evangelism: 7 Vital Shifts in How We Share Our Faith, Alpha & Barna (Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan Reflective, 2021), 17.

[4] Craig Springer, How to Revive Evangelism: 7 Vital Shifts in How We Share Our Faith, Alpha & Barna (Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan Reflective, 2021), 17.

[5] “Reviving Evangelism.” Accessed May 16, 2024.

[6] “Reviving Evangelism.” Accessed May 16, 2024.

[7] Craig Springer, How to Revive Evangelism: 7 Vital Shifts in How We Share Our Faith,  Alpha & Barna (Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan Reflective, 2021), 98.

[8] Craig Springer, How to Revive Evangelism: 7 Vital Shifts in How We Share Our Faith,  Alpha & Barna (Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan Reflective, 2021), 150.

[9] Craig Springer, How to Revive Evangelism: 7 Vital Shifts in How We Share Our Faith, Alpha & Barna (Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan Reflective, 2021), 150.

[10] Craig Springer, How to Revive Evangelism: 7 Vital Shifts in How We Share Our Faith,  Alpha & Barna (Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan Reflective, 2021), Back Cover.

[11] Craig Springer, How to Revive Evangelism: 7 Vital Shifts in How We Share Our Faith,  Alpha & Barna (Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan Reflective, 2021), Back Cover.

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